How to Grow And Care for Brussel Sprouts in Containers?

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Does this vegetable sound completely new? If yes, let’s get equipped with what the vegetable is all about!

Brussels sprouts come from the family of cabbage and kale. These are just different based on flavor and growth. Like kale, brussels sprouts grow on a single stalk and are ready for harvest when a cabbage-like head is formed.

Brussels sprouts are highly enriched with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, fiber, and antioxidants. Apart from this, growing brussels sprouts are pretty fascinating.

Varieties Of Brussels Sprouts

Today, the majority of the brussels sprout varieties come in a hybrid format. However, here’s a list of hybrid and heirloom varieties of brussels sprouts.

1. Heirloom Brussels Sprout Varieties

  • Long Island Improved
  • Catskill
  • Groninger
  • Red Rubine Brussels Sprouts
  • Falstaff Brussels Sprouts

2. Hybrid Brussels Sprout Varieties

  • Hestia Hybrid
  • Octia Hybrid
  • Mighty Hybrid
  • Dimitri Hybrid

Growing Of Brussels Sprouts

Growing Of Brussels Sprouts
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Isn’t it interesting to learn about growing brussels sprouts in containers? Let’s get started! It isn’t difficult and takes very minimal effort to do so. So, here’s the entire process.

  • Fill a container with potting soil.
  • Mix 1.5 tbsp of fertilizer.
  • Water the soil well.
  • Transplant the seed.
  • Ensure the soil is moist.
  • Apply fertilizer regularly.
  • Harvest brussels sprouts when grown.

What You’ll Need?

  • A 12 inch wider & deeper container
  • Potting Mix
  • 14-14-14 controlled-release fertilizer
  • 15-30-15 soluble fertilizer
  • A 1-gallon container
  • A brussels sprout seedling
  • A full-sun location
  • Pruning Shears
  • A hand shovel or other transplanting tool

Choosing A Pot

Choosing A Pot
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Initially, you can start with a 5-7 gallon-sized planter. The suitable size can be approximately 12 inches deep and 14 inches in diameter. On average, one plant grows in this size. If you want to grow two plants together, 15 gallon-sized pot, 18 inches in diameter, is required at a minimum level.

Planting Time

Planting Time
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Brussel sprouts are very particular about their growing conditions. They grow in cool weather conditions and taste incredible when they mature in the cool air. So, never forget this when you plan to grow them.

Generally, brussels sprouts are ideal for growing in early spring for regions with cooler summers. However, growing Brussels sprouts is ideal either in late summers or early fall of the winter season in areas with moderate temperatures. In case you live in a frost-free climate, winter is the best time for growing brussels sprouts in containers for a good harvest.

Growing Brussels Sprouts in Containers

Growing Brussels Sprouts in Containers
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You can easily grow Brussels Sprouts in containers. But, you must check they have adequate space. Planting brussels sprouts in containers enables you to extend the time for harvest as they can be shifted inside into a closet or root cellar. Doing this helps to keep harvesting time until winter, which is an age-old trick.

Thus, if you plant brussels sprouts in your garden, you need to get the seeds of the dwarf brussels sprouts variety. Next, start with directly putting seeds in the container, either inside or outside. It again depends on the temperature and climate you plan to grow brussels sprouts in containers. The ideal temperature is 7 to 30 degrees Celcius (45 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit).

Sow the seeds at least 0.5 inches deep and wait until the baby plants emerge out of it. This process takes around 5 to 20 days. Transplant them after the first pair of leaves come out and the seedlings grow (4-5 inches).

1. Location

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While growing brussels sprouts in containers, we need to choose a good air circulation location. Yet, it would help if you avoided windy places; otherwise, the plant may fall off. Apart from this, the windy climate affects the growth of brussels sprouts.

2. Soil

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Brussels sprouts grow well in clayey soil. This soil enables the plant to grip the soil and have firm roots. Thus, fill your container with a high-quality potting mix or soil. It would also help ensure that the soil is well-drained, rich in humus, clayey, and neutral in pH. Lastly, add a little amount of well-rotted manure to the soil while planting.

3. Watering

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Water is necessary to nourish brussels sprouts in containers. You need to make sure it has moist soil throughout its growth regularly. It is especially important when the plant matures and is at a peak time of its formation. You need to avoid drying as well as overwatering the soil.

4. Staking

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Staking is necessary for growing brussels sprouts in containers because it keeps them upright and prevents them from falling off. It usually happens in specific planting locations, which may be slightly windy.

Taking Care Of Brussels Sprouts

Taking Care Of Brussels Sprouts
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Well, now that you know how to grow brussels sprouts in containers, it is mandatory that you also know how you need to take care of them. Thus, let’s jump on the pointers and learn how this delicious vegetable can be taken care of.

1. Fertilizer

Brussels sprouts are very heavy feeders. You need to mix well-rotted manure in the soil mandatorily and a good fertilizer at least 3 to 4 weeks after the transplanting is done. Along with this, it is also good to side-dress Brussels sprouts with compost when they are half-grown. Fertilizers like 10-10-10 or 5-10-5 or 5-10-10 can be put depending upon the instructions given on the product you use. Consequently, another way to feed this vegetable crop is a liquid fertilizer.

2. Mulching

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This process gets skipped when we grow brussels sprouts in containers. However, performing this helps to keep the soil moist and cool.

3. Pruning

Well, pruning the lower leaves while you pick the matured brussels sprouts from the lower portion enables the plant to focus on growing taller and develop well in its upper part. For those who grow brussels sprouts at home, this is an incredible way to ensure the steady taste and supply of this nutty and sweet vegetable. But, in case you want to chop off all your brussels sprouts in a go, you need to cut off the terminal bud at least 3 to 4 weeks before the harvest time.

4. Pests & Diseases

Pests & Diseases
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As you grow brussels sprouts in a pot or container, you don’t need to worry about soil-borne diseases. Again, this is possible as you have provided good air circulation for the plant and refrain from overwatering it. Diseases like clubroot, fusarium, downy mildew, and powdery mildew are prevented. Lastly, it would help if you also watched harmful pests like thrips, beetles, flea, cabbageworm, etc.

5. Harvesting

Generally, it takes three months after transplanting for brussels sprouts to reach the harvest point or window. This period may again slightly vary depending on the variety you have used.

So, once the vegetable has ripened, how do you harvest it? Any Idea? Let’s check ahead. Every brussels sprout grows out of a stalk exactly about the leaf joint. Brussels Sprouts begin to mature from the lower portion of the plant upwards.

Thus, always start by harvesting the vegetables below as they mature earlier than those above. You can harvest the top ones when they are almost 1 to 2 inches in diameter. Please ensure that the vegetable is firm and green while harvesting.

Smaller brussels sprouts possess a delicate flavor, while large brussels sprouts taste like cabbage. It would help if you were careful, as once these brussels sprouts turn too large, they will taste bitter, which may ruin all your efforts.

It’s like playing gambling. If you harvest too small, you have a lesser amount of yield. Whereas, if you harvest too long, you will have a large volume but minimal amount of taste. Thus, while harvesting, make sure you use your best judgment skills. You can avoid being in a dilemma by beginning to harvest for yourself.

Lastly, to harvest brussels sprouts, begin by first removing the leaf below brussels sprouts where it is attached. Next, either cut or pull the sprout. You can turn and twist to pick the brussels sprouts. Usually, a plant gives you a quart of brussels sprouts. Again, your sprout size will matter here.


Some gardeners encourage plants to utilize their resources to develop sprouts rather than the stem by chopping off their heads at the end of the season. You may also require to do this if you observe your plant growing but having a lesser amount of brussels sprouts grow.

If your plant produces a minimal number of brussels sprouts in the early stage, make sure you don’t pull them off. Give them some time, continue the adequate water supply, and you will see your plant producing the second crop soon if there’s enough time left for the season to end.

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