14 Cabbage Companion Plants – What to Grow With Cabbage?

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Companion planting is an artistic expression, especially when you have a small yard. Cabbage is a shade-tolerant that grows well alongside various other veggies. Is there still a particular vegetable, herb, or bloom that goes well with this gorgeous garden veggie? The positive thing is that you have plenty of alternatives, as cabbage pairs well with various vegetables.

Companion planting is when two or more plants are purposely grown close to one other to derive the advantages of cultivating them jointly. Companion planting can help to improve plant health while also reducing pest and infection pressure.

Cabbage comes in various colors, including white, green, violet, and red, and most are tasty and good providers of elements and fiber.

Companion gardening maximizes outdoor space when two plants mature at varying rates and have distinct growth patterns.

What is Companion Planting?

Companion planting is the process of planting various plants together in one place. It is an effective way of making coexistence beneficial for plants. Plants are susceptible to several diseases, rots, and attacks from insects and pests.

Companion planting strives towards solving such issues. It uses other plants to deter pests or insects or provide essential nutrients to the plant requiring a companion. The plants benefit each other and co-exist as companions, thus providing you with a serene garden to adore.

What Are The Benefits of Companion Planting?

Companion planting helps deter insects, pests, forages, etc., that feed on your plants. Companion planting comes with many benefits. It eradicates the threats associated with the plant and provides it with a safe condition to grow and thrive.

It also helps keep several diseases at bay without requiring any chemicals. Many companion plants attract beneficial insects and pollinators to enhance pollination and scare away unwanted pests and insects.

The best part about companion planting is that it improves plants’ flavor, so you get delicious fruits and vegetables out of your garden. Not only that, but you can also enhance the growing conditions for the plant by using a companion as a shade or ground cover.

Moreover, the companion plants add essential nutrients to the soil, fulfilling the deficiency plants may face. They also enhance nitrogen in the soil, a necessary nutrient for any plant.

Companion Plant For Cabbage

Cabbage crops’ root systems are shallow and sensitive. To keep weeds at bay, softly cultivate all around the bottom of the crops. Mulch the soil to keep it wet and to keep weeds at bay.

Remember that cover crops are essential whenever it pertains to cultivating cabbage.

Look at some of the best veggies to grow with cabbage to make the most of the area in your flower beds and increase crop harvests.

1. Carrots

Image Source: https://www.masterclass.com

Carrots & cabbage are excellent companion plantings owing to their distinct growth patterns and lack of common pests, but they also thrive in milder climates. Carrots take most of their garden area underground, yet based on the type, they can grow to be very tall. When it’s time to plant the cabbages, your carrots should have sprouted and developed to be a few inches in height.

2. Beets

Image Source: https://beetrootpro.com

Beets are an excellent alternative since they are simpler to cultivate than carrots for inexperienced gardeners. One could pluck beets for delicious, soft sweets at the infant stage.

Beets also have a characteristic that makes them great companion crops: their greens! Pick the greens because as beets develop surrounding the cabbage plant, making room for said cabbage crop.

3. Lettuce

Image Source: https://plantinstructions.com

Although Lettuce does not provide specialized insect prevention, this is a fantastic choice for growing close to cabbage.

Lettuce & cabbage equally thrive in cooler temperatures. Lettuce is a low-maintenance, quick-growing crop that may pick several times and sow Lettuce before or after the cabbage is transplanted.

Because Lettuce doesn’t perform well during the warmth, you should harvest the whole of your Lettuce and cabbage first before hot weather arrives.

Also Read: Beginner’s Guide to Growing Lettuce in Containers

4. Spinach

Image Source: https://indoorhomegarden.com

Spinach grows well in chilly temperatures and is among the earliest seeds you may sow in the springtime, even if the temperatures are still below freezing at nighttime. Remove the spinach from all over the cabbage crop till it is covered out, equivalent to Lettuce.

Bonus Read: Spinach Companion Plants: What to Grow With Spinach?

5. Celery

Image Source: https://garden.lovetoknow.com

Celery is said to prevent cabbage moths, making it an excellent choice for growing alongside cabbage. Although if cabbage bugs locate your cabbage, there’s a strong chance they won’t go on further because of your celery.

Celery & cabbage are generally best produced as transplants in colder climates and require consistent watering for optimal development.

6. Onions

Image Source: https://thegardeningcook.com

Growing onions on your own are incredibly gratifying since you may enjoy the results of your effort all year if you store them correctly after harvest. Onions ‘ strong odor prevents many pests that attack cabbage, such as cabbage bugs, cabbage loopers, caterpillars, and bunnies, and this alone qualifies them as excellent companion crops.

Growing onions beside cabbage can ease your vegetable patch rotation provided you practice it (which you must!). Although bulb onions require more room than the scallions discussed before, they grow upright.

Onions, with cabbage, are vigorous feeders, so a substantial dosage of compost used before sowing can help both plants.

7. Garlic

Image Source: https://www.theguardian.com

Since these are botanically interrelated, garlic and onions have several comparable characteristics. Garlic’s powerful odor repels the same pests, making it a great companion crop for cabbage.

Garlic eats up somewhat less room than onions, so it’s an attractive choice for around the borders of garden beds wherein cabbage plays center stage.

8. Arugula

Image Source: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com

In a manner that most of the other crops on this list aren’t, arugula is a great partner plant for cabbage. Flea beetles prefer tender arugula leaves over stiff cabbage leaves.

When you see pests on arugula initially, you may use bug nets or row covering to protect your cabbage. Allow the flea beetles to eat the arugula.

9. Chives

Image Source: https://sproutedgarden.com

Chives are a lovely, versatile plant that goes well with cabbage and should be right next to it. Aphids, a key pest of cabbage, are deterred by the intense perfume of chives.

Chives offer lovely delicious purple blooms in addition to delicious greens that may be plucked, preserved, and used all year.

10. Catnip

Image Source: https://onlinesale.cheaps2022.ru

Catnip is an excellent cabbage companion crop because its strong perfume repels flea bugs. It is a nutritious species of the mint tribe that can be used in teas, and it grows similarly to oregano.

11. Basil

Image Source: https://www.amazon.in

Basil is a fantastic cabbage buddy plant because its pungent aroma deters numerous cabbage pests. On the other hand, Basil enjoys warm temperatures and will perish with a bit of cold in the late summer, so their combined season may be brief.

After the fear of freezing has gone, plant basil around your cabbage inside the springtime. Once you’ve picked a lovely head of cabbage, take the entire plant at its roots underneath the soil line to eliminate the whole plant. Putting the cabbage roots within the soil provides organic matter. You’ll have sufficient space for your Basil to grow during the summer.

12. Marigold

Image Source: https://hgic.clemson.edu

Because it goes with almost every crop, the traditional marigold is a gardener’s favorite companion plant. Cabbage thrives in the presence of marigolds because the blooms discourage cabbage bugs. Marigold plants may withstand mild frosts.

13. Calendula

Image Source: https://www.herbaldynamicsbeauty.com

Calendula does have a wide range of medical use, and the blossoms are delicious. It also helps to discourage cabbage bugs with its fragrant flowery perfume.

Use the blossoms as cut flowers throughout the season, at least. Calendula leaves have such a powerful aroma that they might continue to discourage cabbage bugs long after the flowers have been harvested.

14. Nasturtium

Image Source: https://www.almanac.com

Nasturtium is a lovely flower that is also tasty. Nasturtium leaves are pleasant and provide a spicy bite to salads, while their orange blooms brighten up any yard. Nasturtiums are excellent partners for cabbage crops because they resist cabbage parasites. Nasturtium is an evergreen that grows well in full sun and partial shade.

15. Tansy

Image Source: wnps.org

Tansy and cabbage are known to co-exist perfectly. Tansy is one of the best companions you can get for your cabbage garden. It is especially true if you are looking forward to using flowers and herbs as companions for cabbage.

Cabbage helps Tansy thrive well. Tansy, on the other hand, attracts many beneficial insects good for cabbage. It also acts as a significant gap filler for your garden. Not just cabbage, Tansy can be a great companion for other plants, such as beans, cucumbers, corn, squash, etc. Hence, you can reap many benefits by opting for Tansy as a companion plant for cabbage.

16. Rosemary

Image Source: britannica.com

Rosemary is like bliss for your garden. Its fragrance and taste can make your day. But you would be surprised to know you can use it for companion planting with cabbage. It is all because of its strong smell.

Rosemary repels cabbage loopers that feed on cabbages and other cruciferous family members. Hence, you get a great harvest of cabbages with Rosemary as a companion.

It is also beneficial to carrots. It repels carrot flies that ensure excellent health for carrots in your garden. So, this way, you can hit two targets with a single arrow, Rosemary.

17. Potatoes

Image Source: plantssparkjoy.com

Potatoes are another great companion for cabbage. It plays a vital role in crop rotation. But it has a way of benefitting cabbages too. Corn and beans also add to the companion planting potatoes and cabbages list.

Potatoes are known to enhance the growth of cabbages. Not only that, it can improve their flavor to a great extent. So, you can enjoy tasty cabbages from your garden if you choose potatoes as their companions.

18. Peas

Image Source: gardenerspath.com

Peas are the next thing you need next to your cabbages. Though it does not do well with onions, it can benefit cabbages in many ways. Peas make a great filler for your garden, as you can plant them anywhere. Remember, you get a garden rich in cabbages with peas at their side.

Plants You Should Avoid to Grow Next to Your Cabbages

Now you have the list of companion plants for cabbage. But it does not end here as you need to see the other way around too. It is also essential to know what plants you cannot grow with cabbage so you do not end up sabotaging the harmony of your garden.

Some plants may compete with the cabbages for space, nutrients, sunlight, and water. That may prove disastrous for cabbages. Hence, here is a list of plants you should not grow with cabbage so you succeed well in companion planting.

1. Lettuce

Image Source: parade.com

Lettuce and cabbages do not happen to be good friends. It is because the roots of cabbages release secretions harmful to lettuce. It discourages the germination of lettuce. Hence, it would help if you don’t keep lettuce and cabbage side by side in your garden. Instead, you can plant lettuce with chives, garlic, turnips, and radishes.

2. Strawberries

Image Source: stonepierpress.org

Strawberries are among the plants you should avoid planting with cabbages. Cabbages are known to be disastrous for strawberries, thus inhibiting their growth. Hence, it would be best if you did not try to befriend strawberries with cabbage. Borage can work as a great companion for your strawberries.

3. Tomatoes

Image Source: thisnzlife.co.nz

Cabbages and tomatoes do not co-exist well together. Hence, tomatoes can not be a companion to cabbages. Cabbages are known to affect the growth of tomatoes and diminish their produce. So, you must keep the two far apart.

4. Beans

Beans are also no good friend to cabbages. They do not support each other’s growth but prove destructive together. Hence, you try to avoid beans while companion planting with your cabbages.

Grow Cabbage Companion Plants

Companion planting in your garden provides natural checks and balances, so you don’t have to use pesticides to keep things in control.

Brassicas such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage may share nutrients with your cabbage crop. Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, and Swiss chard make excellent cabbage garden companions.

Cabbage relatives are easy to grow and need the same temperature and growth conditions as cabbage. Gardening with greens is a beautiful contrast to the barren trees and brown leaves in the wintertime. There are several nutrients in brassica veggies, and cooking with them will help you in winters.

Choose the Appropriate Cabbage For the Season

Decide whenever you want to pick your cabbage until you sow it. You must plant particular kinds at specific periods of each year.

If produced from seeds, cabbage would be ready to harvest in 80-100 days. Cabbage will be ready to harvest 60-80 days after you plant this in the ground, whether you begin it from seedlings you’ve grown inside or bought from a planting goods store.

Cabbage comes in early-maturing or late-maturing varieties. You may plant cabbage all year, especially in spring and early summer.

Growing late-maturing types at the finish of the summer is a bad idea, and the nutrient-rich ground condition is ideal for cabbage. Nourish your cabbage with yard composting, or well-aged herbivores dung regularly.


How close together can you plant cabbage? 

You can plant cabbages 24-36 inches apart if your garden is evenly spaced. If you want to plant them in rows, keep them 12-14 inches apart with 36-44 inches spacing between them.

Can you plant cucumbers next to cabbage?

Yes, you can plant cucumbers next to cabbage.

What is the best month to plant cabbage?

There are different sowing periods for different varieties of cabbages. Late February or early march is the best month to plant summer cabbages, April or May for winter cabbages, and July or August for spring cabbages.

Can cabbage grow twice?

Yes, you can grow cabbages twice a year and harvest in Spring and fall.


When you plant cabbage in your yard, make sure you get enough area for it to mature! Cabbage plants may grow up to 4 feet in diameter! You’ll have Brussels sprout-sized heads when you don’t give your cabbage enough room.

Remember that large, mature cabbage leaves will shadow everything growing beneath them! Although there are small-headed, small cabbage cultivars, the crops still need a few inches of growing space for each crop.

During the growth season, plants also require a lot of fertilizer or manure. Cabbage, in particular, need consistent watering to ensure even leaf growth in the head.

During the growth season, plants also require a lot of fertilizer or manure. Cabbage, in particular, need consistent watering to ensure even leaf growth in the head.

Consistently hot summer weather will make the cabbage harsh and raise the likelihood of dry-edged leaves as it grows. Cabbage crops are more sensitive to insects and illnesses due to the heat.

Cabbage transplanting is the most acceptable way to cultivate cabbage seedlings. If you’re starting with seed, you’ll have a lot of choices featuring red, green, and cone varieties. Adding uncommon types to your garden will make your garden interesting.

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