How To Save And Revive A Rosemary Plant?

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The fragrance and unique medical uses of the perennial Rosemary plant (Rosemarinus Officinalis) make it one of the most demanded house plants. People use Rosemary as a body scent, a culinary seasoning but most significantly for its remarkable health advantages.

Though Rosemary plants have a life span of two years, it is not protected from common challenges that garden plants are known to encounter. The leading cause of the rosemary plant dying is overwatering, which results in root rot, excessive shade, and sooty mold.

If rosemary plants are submerged in water, they may also perish and turn their leaves brown. When a rosemary plant receives too much water, the ends of the leaves begin to become black, whereas brown leaves indicate insufficient water.

Seeing your plant dying: this question must have been rising in your mind; How To Save A Dying Rosemary Plant? And before that, the question is, can we even revive a dying rosemary plant?

Well, if you are at this time reading this blog in search of answers to your question, let me assure you first that you are at the right place. And not just that, we will provide you with a rigorously researched guide to saving your dying Rosemary Plants.

Can a Dying Rosemary Plant Be Revived?

Can a Dying Rosemary Plant Be Revived?
Image Credit: reddit

The answer is yes! You can revive your rosemary plants like any other plant in your garden or yard. Nothing much unique or out-of-the-box thing you need to do to revive your rosemary plant. And the best thing is, You do not also need to employ a landscaper or a professional gardener.

The process is highly doable and Do It Yourself (DIY).

Simply by taking the lead to the instructions in this article, you will find that it is not at all difficult to revive a dying rosemary plant and that you won’t have to hammer your bank account either for such.

There are several causes if you discover your rosemary plant is acting sick compared to how it should be.

But only when you have confirmed that its growing conditions are unique to the Mediterranean, giving a lot of weight to enough sun, healthy soil pore space, and avoiding routine watering.

How to Revive Your Dying Rosemary Plant?

How to Revive Your Dying Rosemary Plant?
Image Credit: realestate

These tips will help you revive your rosemary plant.

1. Examine if the Rosemary Plant is Getting too Much or too Less of Water

There is no foul in the statement that both too much of something or too little of anything is never good. Though too much watering can be life-threatening for your rosemary plant, insufficiency of water causes equal destruction. If the leaf tips are going black, let it air dry completely before watering. It is a sign of excess watering. On the other hand, if its leaves appear brown and dry, it is because your rosemary is getting insufficient. It requires additional water to survive. Give it regular water to help your rosemary come back to life.

2. Check if the Pot Seize is Compatible or is the Plant Pot-Bounded

Rosemary roots need adequate space to grow. Before planting it, check if the size of the pot matches the needs; if not, change. If you have already planted it and the planting is suffocating or pot-bound, replant it to another plant.

3. Look for the Yellow Leaf Sign to Check if the Nitrogen Requirement is Getting Fulfilled or Not

Yellowing leaves indicate that rosemary may often suffer from a nitrogen deficiency. However, it can happen. Simple solution: give your rosemary a nitrogen boost by using a liquid fertilizer high in nitrogen.

In the following sections, we are providing the reason why your rosemary plant is dying and the solution to save it. Dig in deep through the article, and you will get to know what is going wrong with your taking care of the rosemary plant and how you can fix it.

Let’s dive in without killing a single moment.

Reason 1. Excess Watering that Causes Rosemary Plant Rot 

Rosemary is a Mediterranean plant that prefers liberally draining soil. They have grown on rocky outcrops in areas with lots of sunshine. In tropical and subtropical regions, rosemary is easily overwatered.

Root rot develops when rosemary roots are left in water or moist soil for an extended period. It will suffocate if the plant’s roots don’t obtain enough oxygen. The plant will eventually die since it won’t be able to absorb nutrients when the roots rot away.

Common signs of rosemary root rot include wilted or drooping plants with brown, yellow, or blackened leaves.


The first step you must take is to stop excess watering and give gaps between the watering to let the soil drain. If you examine the soil and it is dry, 1-2 inches below the surface, only water your rosemary.

The second thing you can do to fix the rosemary plant rotting is to replant the rosemary in a new container (repotting of rosemary) and expose it to full sun. Also, cut off any sections with root rot.

You can also take cuttings from the dying plant to boost the likelihood of successful attempts to reproduce rosemary plants.

Reason 2. Rosemary With Relatively Slow Growth

While keeping an eye on the plants of your lawn, if you find that your rosemary plant is not developing as it should, it is quite a possibility that the plant is experiencing limited development. Checkers’ exposure to the sun because it is not in direct sunlight or it may have been pot-bound are two possible explanations for the stunted growth of the plant.

Stunted growth due to pot-boundedness; even though the rosemary plant is known to thrive significantly in not-so-good soils and is seldom or never affected by a lack of nutrients, it can develop this condition of low growth if it is kept in the same pot for an extended period and uses up all of the potting soil’s nutrients.


Place the grown rosemary plant in a fresh and new pot slightly bigger than the old one (about 17inches across). You need to ensure there is 20% soil and 80% compost in the plant when planting. Applying a mild fertilizer in the spring to a smaller pot lacking in nutrients can be beneficial. Spring, Summer, and early Fall are the best times to prune for culinary purposes.

Please be mindful not to over-prune the rosemary because older stems do not produce new foliage. Instead, you can cut it down to the woody base.

Reason 3. Rosemary With Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a white residue or powder, generally a kind of bacterial fungus found on the plant’s leaves. The main reason for powdery mildew is heavy rain or moist conditions. For a while, the rosemary plant may withstand powdery mildew, but eventually, it can kill the plant.

Powdery mildew on Rosemary plant leaves is the cause of the plant dying because it limits the leaves’ ability to synthesize oxygen through photosynthesis.


The effective way to avoid powdery mildew on rosemary is to give it plenty of sunlight, sufficient airflow, and minimal watering. You shall add water to the plant in a very gradual manner and apply water only to the soil and not the foliage.

To prevent soil and water from splashing into your rosemary leaves, we advise you to surround it with an abundance of tree mulch.

Reason 4. Too Much Density of Soil Which Restraints Draining

As mentioned many times above, the rosemary plant needs water draining to grow healthy. If the soil is too dense, too thick, or does not allow free draining, rosemary plants can die of suffocation soon. This sort of soil’s significant drawbacks is that it retains moisture, doesn’t hold as much oxygen as the plant needs, and makes rosemary survival difficult, and eventually, they die.


To prevent such a tragedy from happening to your rosemary plant, add organic fertilizer to the clay soil before planting the rosemary. For your rosemary, this will facilitate soil drainage.

However, if you have already planted your rosemary in such soil without knowing the fact we have mentioned above, The only option through which you can save your plant is to dig out and relocate it.

On a Final Note

Rosemary is a very valuable plant. Consequently, you shouldn’t be abandoned to die like a common plant. You need to save it in all ways possible.

We hope that you have got the answer to all your questions through this journey and also know that saving and reviving rosemary plants is nothing of a castle making in the sky. All you need to do is follow the guide in the article and keep an eye on the reasons mentioned for the rosemary plants. And it is all sorted.

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