10 Weeds With Purple Flowers (Identify by Photo)

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Are there purple flower weeds popping up in your garden? Do you want to identify them? Or, do you want to know how these purple weeds can affect your garden?

Different types of purple flower weeds are there that may be growing in your yard. They offer benefits to the soil of your garden.

But, they can be harmful to your plants too. This makes it all the more important for you to know these weeds growing in your garden, their pros and cons, and the steps you need to control them.

Here we have listed down some common weeds with beautiful purple flowers. Now, it’s up to you if you want to pull them out or keep them.

Well, you have landed on the right page!

In this article, we have shared all about the purple weeds. Read on.

1. Henbit


This purple weed has round leaves with deep lobes. The stem of this weed has the shape of a square. On its upper stem, the leaves don’t have any petioles.

Give them a closer look, and you’ll find them hairy.

You can find this weed with purple flowers on the edges of your yard or in your garden. Also, they can grow next to the buildings.

This variety of weeds grows only at the edges and not on the lawn.

The henbit spreads through its seeds. So, you need to make sure to stop the formation of its seeds.
Want to get rid of this purple weed?

In the months of early spring, apply herbicide. But don’t wait until the appearance of the flowers. Remember, if you wait, the herbicides won’t work.

Another way you can get rid of this variety of purple flower weeds is through hand pulling.

2. Purple Deadnettle

Purple Deadnettle

This specific purple flower weed falls under the mint family.

You can identify them by their pink and purple flowers, stems, and leaves.

Have a look at the stem.

Are they square-shaped? Is there no foliage in the lower section? Does the upper section have purple-colored leaves that are triangular on the tips?

If your answer to all these questions is “yes,” then the chances are that this weed is purple deadnettle.

This type of weed requires unsavory habitats to grow. So, you can find them in drainage ditches and fallow fields.

Does your garden stay wet most of the time? Is it located near a woodland field?

Then watch out for purple deadnettle.

You can find this weed only in the months of winter. However, if you can stop the production of the seeds in the spring season, you can prevent this weed from taking over your garden completely.

In the late fall or early spring, if you tillage, it can stop this weed.

If it appears on the edges of your lawn, all you need is to tear it down.

Before it starts to bloom, apply herbicide.

3. Ground ivy or Creeping Charlie

Ground ivy or Creeping Charlie

This variety of purple weeds belongs to the family of mint. You can identify them by seeing their broadleaf.

They grow up to one inch in height and start spreading around quickly with all their stems and leaves everywhere. So if you see purple flowers scattered in your garden, it can be creeping Charlie or ground ivy.

They have scalloped leaves. Their flowers come in purple and violet color. They look pretty but don’t let their charm get you. Otherwise, they’ll take your lawn over!

The vine is resilient and adaptive. If not prevented, they’ll start killing your grass turfs. So, getting rid of them as soon as possible is a wise decision to make.

You can’t kill this purple weed with insects and pests. And they can survive even in unfavorable conditions. However, for their growth, they need moist and fertile soil and partial sunlight.

Did we tell you about the one good thing that this weed has?

Well, they attract pollinators.

But, still, you need to think about the disadvantages it causes.

Now, what can you do to stop ground ivy from growing in your garden?

Well, always keep your garden healthy. Water, mow and fertilize your garden regularly. If your grass is healthy and well-fed, this weed will get no place to grow.

In case this purple weed gets scattered in your garden, make sure to use a professional herbicide to prevent it from growing. Another way to get rid of this weed is to starve it of sunlight.

Is the infection minor?

Then all you need to do is just pull out the weed with your hands.

4. Forget-me-not


This pretty purple bloom-bearing weed isn’t that dangerous. But, if it gets out of control, it can be a real headache. It can kill all your grass by creeping into it.

You can find forget-me-not growing in the mid-summer season. They live for a short duration of time. They like to grow on soil that is moist and well-drained.

The areas in your garden that get complete or partial sunlight are ideal for this weed’s growth.
They have bluish-purple flowers with yellow in the center. The petals are round, attractive, and admirable.

Bonus Read: How to Get Rid of Ants in Garden without Killing Plants?

5. Wild Violet

Wild Violet

This variety of purple weeds comes with delicate stems. Their leaves are heart-shaped. This perennial bloomer produces pretty flowers in purple color.

Moist and shady areas are perfect for the growth of wild violet. But, if it is a mature one, it can survive in drought conditions as well. They can start growing in your lawn and then spread anywhere they want to.

All a wild violet needs are its seeds to propagate. The wind and rainfall can transport them anywhere. Underneath the ground, it can spread through rhizomes.

This variety of purple flower weeds has high resiliency. They adapt very well and can spread in your lawn real quick.

To get rid of them, you can use herbicide. Hand pulling also works. If you don’t want them to grow back soon, dispose of them properly.

6. Black Nightshade

Black Nightshade
Image Source: en.wikipedia

Black nightshade only survives the summer before succumbing to the cold of October because it is an annual. This weed can grow tall and green, making it a competitor for light with other plants. Furthermore, they may be identified by the clusters of purple and white berries they produce.

In colder weather, the stem of this plant becomes a bluish-purple tint, adding to the plant’s uniqueness. These weeds like rich soil and full sun, although they may also thrive in partial shade.

They can grow into a bushy plant or a climbing vine. Hand-pulling is an efficient weed control approach for this weed. A well-kept garden is shielded from black nightshade by mulch.

7. Creeping Thistle

Creeping Thistle
Image Source: familyhandyman

The first kind of thistle addressed in this article is the Canada thistle, often known as the creeping thistle.

Canada thistle is a notoriously tricky invasive plant to eliminate. It’s a perennial plant with spear-shaped spine-tipped leaves. This weed plant has purple pom-pom-shaped blooms growing in bunches towards the top.

As these weeds develop to seed, their flowers become white and fluffy. Raising soil fertility improves your chances of removing Canadian thistles, favoring low-fertility soil.

It has the added benefit of stimulating the growth of attractive plants. To dismiss them, mow the area regularly and pull them by the roots. Canada thistles are challenging to eliminate due to their deep, fibrous root structure.

8. Musk Thistle

Musk Thistle
Image Source: nazinvasiveplants

Musk thistle, often known as nodding thistle, is another kind featured in this list. The plant gets its name from its unique downward-sloping flower heads.

The leaves, which may grow to be 15 inches long, are a solid way to identify these plants. Sharp barbs adorn the curving, undulating leaf edges. The stems grow spiny wings. Musk thistle flowers are purple or pinkish.

Musk thistles are ubiquitous roadside weeds, even though they thrive in many areas of the United States with rich, nutritious soil. Flower clusters are typically 2 to 3 inches across.

Musk thistles may grow up to 6 feet tall when ripe. If you allow these weeds to take root in your garden, they will spread quickly and become difficult to eliminate.

9. Common Thistle

Common Thistle
Image Source: en.wikipedia

Common thistle, also known as spear thistle or bull thistle, is the final kind of thistle we’ll discuss. The fluffy pink or purple blooms on top of a spiny ball are a telltale sign that you’re looking at a common thistle.

Barbs cover the leaves and stems of many plants. The blooming season lasts from June through October.

To stop the weed from flowering, you must mow it as much as possible. You can always try removing the plants manually if you need help. Flowers may spread their seeds via wind.

Therefore, keeping them under control is essential. It’s fascinating to learn that goldfinches and several species of butterflies frequent this weed. It would help if you still got rid of them as quickly as possible since they may quickly spread and take over your landscape.

10. Bill of the Dove’s-Foot Crane

Bill of the Dove's-Foot Crane
Image Source: naturespot

The purple blooms of the dove’s-foot crane’s-bill are easily recognizable due to their jagged petal edges. Some gardeners could even mistake this weed for a beautiful purple ornamental flower due to its attractive appearance.

Rounded and hairy, the leaves have only around 5 or 7 lobes. Therefore we must be cautious. This weed may still spread despite our best efforts. Since it thrives in dry circumstances, this weed may not create too much trouble for your lawn.

You may be able to pluck these plants out of your garden if there are just a few. Keeping your grass well-kept, wet, and nutrient-rich is a smart strategy to discourage the growth of this weed.


You should now be familiar with the several weeds that sport purple blossoms and their distinctive appearance. The flowers are lovely, but it’s important to recognize when these plants are really valuable.

Be certain of what you’re planting in your garden’s patches, and take special care to ensure everything is flourishing. Knowing what you’re working with is crucial for creating a functional and aesthetically beautiful landscape, which is why proper identification is vital.

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