Transplanting Asparagus in Your Garden: The DIY Guide

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There will be a moment your Asparagus outgrows the pot and will need more space.

That’s when transplanting Asparagus comes in handy. And here, we want to teach you how.

Because few vegetables grow year after year as the Asparagus does, it’s not a surprise this happens. Luckily, you can solve it with something as simple as taking it to a larger place.

Sadly, this is not often the easiest thing to do.

There’s a specific way to do this that requires a bit of effort and extreme care. This way will keep your Asparagus safe and thriving after the transplantation.

Want to know what we’re talking about? Then take a look below!

Can You Transplant Asparagus?

Can You Transplant Asparagus?

The general understanding about Asparagus is that you plant it somewhere and let it grow. Transplanting is never part of the equation.

But believe it or not, Asparagus is a totally transplantable plant. There’s a catch, though…

You need to do it properly. Transplanting Asparagus is a bit harder than it seems. In fact, many experienced gardeners advise against it.

The reason is – Asparagus is tough to transplant.

If you don’t do it correctly, not only can you cause irreparable damage and stunted growth, but you may also cause death.

You don’t want that, right? Then be super careful when doing so.

Luckily for you, we have the perfect guide below – so DON’T RUSH!

Why Transplant Asparagus?

Why Transplant Asparagus

There are many reasons to do this… Some of them are legitimately worth considering. Others are just things you can’t help. Here are some of them:

  • Moving to a New Place

Are you leaving your old home for a new one? You don’t need to say goodbye to your Asparagus.

People may say it’s hard to transplant them (and even encourage you NOT TO DO IT).

But that’s not the best way to go about it. You can actually transplant that Asparagus. It’s totally worth the effort.

  • Improve Crop Quality

This is probably the most underestimated reason to transplant Asparagus. It actually helps make the crop a lot more resilient and deliver a bigger harvest over time (as long as it’s a better place).

As you’re taking the Asparagus to a hopefully bigger and healthier area, it will have a lot more reason to thrive. And that means a better crop in every way.

  • Increase Asparagus Size

Did we mention Asparagus grows bigger when it has enough space to do so?

Growing Asparagus in pots and trays tends to limit their size. But as soon as you take them off to a garden – they grow BIG.

Typical pot asparagus grows to about 2 or 3 inches. Meanwhile, crop asparagus from a garden can reach over 10 inches long.

  • Avoid Overcrowding the Plant

Asparagus grows a lot more vigorously than people think. The plant will overgrow any pot given the right conditions – which is when you should transplant. Not only because the pot will look awful or the plant may struggle – but because you’d be missing out on more asparagus spears.

Also, Asparagus growing in a large enough place will produce up to 20 new spears in a single growing season – you wouldn’t want to miss that, right?

So, think have you made up your mind yet?

Where to Transplant Asparagus?

You shouldn’t transplant the Asparagus anywhere. The place should be PERFECT.

Take it to the best place possible, and your Asparagus won’t only thrive but grow larger than you ever thought possible.

Here are some tips to ensure that:

  • Make sure the soil is loose (for the long asparagus roots)
  • Well-draining soil is essential (garden beds work really well)
  • An ideal soil’s acidity would be between 6.5 and 7.0 pH
  • Choose a place with direct sun exposure for at least 6 hours a day
  • Asparagus lives for up to 20 years (pick a place that can handle that)
  • Enough space for the Asparagus to grow (30 inches in diameter AT LEAST)

Prepare yourself to enjoy a couple of decades of asparagus harvest after transplanting using the tips above.

When to Transplant Asparagus Seedlings?

When to Transplant Asparagus Seedlings?

You shouldn’t transplant the Asparagus AT ANY MOMENT. Doing so could result in your worst nightmare.

Why must you prevent that?

Because you could affect its growing process, and this could stunt its growth, affect its size over time, and give you a slow-growing plant.

In the worst-case scenario… well, you can imagine.

That’s why we recommend transplanting when the plant is dormant. That is, when the plant is “sleeping” in the coldest months (winter or fall).

The crown and roots of the plant don’t grow as the plant sleeps. This means you don’t have to worry about causing any stunted growth as you transplant.

Can you transplant Asparagus in the fall?

YES! Consider transplanting in the fall FOR PERFECT RESULTS.

The reason is simple: the roots will have more time to establish in the new soil, so the roots grow a lot stronger as spring arrives. This ends up in bigger Asparagus and more harvest over time.

What Asparagus Species are Better for Transplanting?

Most asparagus plants can handle transplanting well as long as you do it correctly. But that’s not the case for every species.

Some of them will have a way better time with transplantation than others. And the best for that is undoubtedly the WILD ASPARAGUS.

This species can handle transplanting without problems thanks to its ability to grow at incredible rates. A single wild asparagus plant can overcrowd a pot within WEEKS. And if you leave it alone for months, the plant will likely cover the entire pot.

Wild Asparagus is such a great option because it is one of the sturdiest too. It can grow an astonishing number of years (over 50) in ideal conditions. And believe it or not, it also produces an enormous harvest compared to its smaller cousins.

COOL FACT: Transplanting wild Asparagus is not only easier but also way more productive. This plant can produce over 200 shoots within a year – so you’re getting an enormous return for the job.

How to Transplant Asparagus: Step-by-Step Guide

Step-by-Step Guide How to Transplant Asparagus


Let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Show you how to transplant Asparagus the ideal way, so you don’t cause any damage to the plant, and more importantly, it starts growing right away.

What items do you need for the job? Gather these:

Having every one of these will make your job a lot easier and the results much better in every way.

Once you have them, proceed with these steps:

Step 1: Discover the Roots

The most fragile part of the asparagus plant lies underground: its roots.

Unlike other plants, you can easily rip off the ground – Asparagus demands EXTRA CARE.

And for that, you’ll have to discover the roots carefully first. Making sure you don’t cause any damage as you do so because roots tend to form massive tangles that may break. If they break, the plant suffers (and may even struggle to grow going forward).

Dig carefully around the plant. Discover the roots as you go. Use the spade and the garden fork first, then use your hands as you get closer to the roots.

Avoid using the shovel in this stage as you may prod the tip too deep and cut roots. The result? Dead Asparagus (or two).

TO BE AWARE: These roots can go as deep as 3 feet in a large pot, so be careful when discovering them. You may think they are not going further down, but they are – you won’t like to cut them by mistake.

Step 2: Take the Plants Out

Discovering the roots has one primary purpose: making it easier to get the plants out.

But easier doesn’t mean effortless. This is probably the trickiest part, as you not only need to be even more careful but also make much more of an effort than you may think,

The asparagus roots tend to be so tangled underground that getting them out is a tough job. This is especially true if you are taking old asparagus plants (over 1-year-old).

Once you arrive at the actual bottom of the plant, then you lift the plant up. Here, we recommend using the garden fork CAREFULLY. Place it under the last root clump and pull it out.

THINK ABOUT IT: If the plant doesn’t come right out as you pull, try to shake it a bit. This will loosen the soil and release the plant.

Step 3: Break Root Clumps

You took the Asparagus out successfully. There’s almost no root broken, and the Asparagus looks ready to be planted… right?

Well – HOLD ON!

Remember that potting soil and garden soil are often different. They won’t cause any trouble if you mix them, but your plant may struggle to establish in the new place afterward.

The old soil will probably not let the new soil introduce all its nutrients into the transplanted roots. As a consequence, your Asparagus will struggle to feed.


Loosen as much of the old soil as you can from the roots, especially the big clumps in the entangled portions. You can use a garden hose for this.

DON’T DISMISS THIS: You need to clean the roots AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. Even though you’ve taken them out of the old place, these roots are still ultra-fragile (even more so now).

Step 4: (Re)plant the Asparagus

Now it’s time for the final step: finally taking the Asparagus to its new place (your garden oasis).

Preparing the garden soil should be your first step. It is as easy as shoveling enough soil out for the Asparagus to fit (as much as the roots needs).

Then proceed to add some of the fertilizer or compost (if any). And finish by placing the Asparagus in the hole.

Cover the roots with the new soil. Pack the top well. Water a bit. And that’s it. You’ve successfully transplanted the Asparagus – now it’s time to wait.

TO CONSIDER: Asparagus likes to be in mounds. Think about making a slightly elevated area so it can grow more comfortably.

How to Take Care of Transplanted Asparagus?

How to Take Care of Transplanted Asparagus

Once you’ve transplanted the Asparagus – it’s time to help it grow to unprecedented rates.

How’s that? You make sure the environment is PERFECT. Nothing will help you to ensure that like these tips:

Keep the Soil Humid

Most perennials need a lot of water to survive. The asparagus plant is one of those.

You need to keep the soil relatively humid, watering at least twice a week. Once the soil dries, you should water again without leaving any space for drought.

This is essential as you transplant the Asparagus. Enough water will help its roots establish faster, so the plant can start growing almost right away.

EXTRA TIP: Use an automated soaker hose that wets the soil daily, and you won’t have to worry about watering anymore.

Fertilize Consistently

You should fertilize the soil as soon as the plant drops in the garden. In fact, adding compost before even transplanting is the way to go (as explained above).

But this is not only around the moment you transplant but also afterward. As the plant starts to grow and new shoots appear, you’ll have to fertilize more vigorously. Luckily, it’s not like you’ll have to do it every month – but fertilizing at least every season will help a lot.

WORTH KNOWING: Asparagus is a heavy feeder, so it will need A LOT OF FOOD. Don’t let it grow for more than 3 months without fertilizer.

Harvest Correctly

Asparagus is known for surviving decades and providing yummy stalks every year. But that’s only so when you harvest the right way.

You should only harvest when the plant is no less than 6 inches over the soil. And you should not cut the stalk right from the ground but instead leave at least half an inch remaining. If you cut at ground level, the Asparagus may struggle to grow (or may not even grow at all if it gets covered in soil).

TO CONSIDER: There’s a chance you’ll get harvestable Asparagus within a couple of months if you harvest this way.

Avoid Pests and Diseases

While the asparagus plant tends to be sturdy, it still needs protection from common diseases and pests. Here’s where you enter the equation.

You should avoid keeping the soil way too humid. It should be lightly moist at best. Saturated soils cause diseases in the roots that automatically prevent the Asparagus from growing (most likely causing death).

And for pests, you’ll have to handpick. Beetles are the biggest menace to the Asparagus, but they’re large enough for you to handle them manually.

DON’T FORGET: You can always use companion plants like thyme and peppermint to keep most unwanted bugs away.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Does Asparagus spread on its own?

Yes, the asparagus plant is a heavy spreader. Its roots tend to produce new shoots ultra-fast, especially if we’re talking about the wild asparagus species.
If you don’t want your Asparagus to overcrowd your garden, then consider pruning consistently and harvesting when it’s time.

Q2. Is Asparagus invasive?

Yes. It is one of the most invasive crops you can grow, despite being a vegetable.
The asparagus fern, for example, tends to produce long roots that can cover areas of several feet. They will slowly produce shoots, and sooner than later, your garden will be crowded with asparagus plants.

Q3. How deep do asparagus roots grow?

Asparagus that’s been growing for 2 years can grow roots of up to 10 inches deep. But a sufficiently old specimen can reach over 3 feet in depth.

Q4. Should you leave the Asparagus in a container?

If you’re willing to let your Asparagus overcrowd the container – then don’t fret. Leave it be, and you may not even notice any problem.
But it’s worth remembering that Asparagus tends to grow further than any container can handle. This will not only affect how much harvest you get, but it will also reduce the plant’s lifespan.
So, is it wise to leave your Asparagus in a container? We don’t think so.

Q5. How large do Asparagus grow in a garden?

Single Asparagus can grow to about 12 inches within a year. Given enough time, a single asparagus plant can reach 8 feet.
You don’t have to wait for the Asparagus to get this long, though. Most plants become harvestable within the first year or two.


So, are you transplanting your Asparagus, or what?

Our guide above should give you EVERYTHING you need for the job. Plus, a deep understanding of why, how, and what makes transplanting Asparagus such an exciting endeavor.

Don’t waste your asparagus potential in a container. Transplant it now and get the most out of it!

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