How to start a Lawn Mower?

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Starting a lawnmower is an easy process that almost anyone with two hands can do. There are no major technicalities to starting up a lawn mower unless you have to troubleshoot a faulty lawn mower.

There are probably hundreds if not thousands of lawn mowers in the market today and each and every one of them is similar when it comes to startup.

The two varieties of land more are:

  1. Pushing lawn mowers
  2. Riding lawn mowers

The Mechanics involved in starting each of these lawnmowers are exactly alike. Make sure there is enough gasoline and the starting cord is not faulty. In cases where a lawn mower does not start properly after long period of inactivity, you need to carry out quick troubleshooting to pinpoint the problem.

How to start a Lawn Mower

Read more: How To Change a Lawn Mower Blade?

Starting a traditional lawn mower 

First, ensure that there is enough gasoline or oil

Gasoline and oil are the fuel onto which lawn mowers run without which you won’t be able to use them. If this is your first time using a lawnmower, be sure to check the oil and gas tanks to ensure that they have been filled properly with the recommended oil. We cannot overemphasize how important it is to consult the user manual before starting your mower.

Ideally, the standard gas used for lawnmowers should contain about 87% octane and about 10% ethanol.  Newer models run best on clean and unleaded gasoline. Any gasoline fuel source that has more than 10% ethanol attracts water and can potentially damage the tank itself.

Primer the gasoline tank

Primer is the art of stimulating the gasoline tank after it has been a while it was turned on or used. If you are sure you haven’t used the lawn mower for an extended period or it has remained inactive over the long winter season, primer the button to stimulate it to start.

To do this, press the primer button three times. This should channel gasoline to the mower’s core engine. Almost all new model lawn mowers come with a separate primer button used to stimulate a start-up after prolonged usage.

If you are not sure about the location of the primer button, consult with your user manual and look for a schematic diagram that pinpoints where the primer button is.

Pulling the lever

Stand behind the lawnmower (the position you take while pushing the lawn mower in the garden), and pull the lever near the top of the handle towards you. This lever needs to be in a starting position before you ever attempt to push the starting cord.

A good number of lawn mower will require that you continuously hold this level in a starting position while the motor is running (in use).

Pulling the starting cord

Most starting cords are located at the base of the lawn mower and will generally have a T-like plastic cord that allows for ergonomic handling. Hold onto this plastic cord and give it a long smooth pull towards yourself upward.

Do this quickly until the cord is fully extended to start up the lawn mower. If it doesn’t work the first time repeat the entire process until the lawn mower’s engine starts.

How to start up a lawn mower after it has been inactive for a long period 

After a period of hibernation, usually after the long winter season lawn mowers are known to start sluggishly, but after a good run out with the pull rope, you can usually get it started.

Sometimes after a prolonged battle with the start pull rope, you might not get it started.  One major problem is the humidity of the area in which it was stored.

In humid areas, water tends to condense in the tanks and can mix up with gasoline at the carburetor. This interference can hinder proper spark formation at the plug area.

In this condition, to get the mower started you would have to completely change the gas and either clean up the plug or change it completely.

Follow these steps before starting a mower that has been inactive for a long time:

  1. Check to see if the oil is still in good condition. Change it completely if there is any iota of doubt that it might have gone bad.
  2. Prime the engine by pushing three times the primer button.
  3. Troubleshoot the spark plug to see whether it is securely in place. Push it a little to see if it is loose. If it is firmly in place, remove and clean the gap area with embroidered board. If you still can’t get the spark plug working properly, completely change it.
  4. Adjust the throttle control to release more fuel than air into the engine. Most riding lawn mowers come with a throttle control system that allows you to control the amount of air and fuel that gets into the engine. You can adjust the throttle if it is a manual process, allowing more fuel than air enters while starting.  After you have adjusted the throttle and the motor is running you can revert the throttle to its original state.
  5. Check the air filter: The air fitter is responsible filtering dust and grass bits from entering into the mains of the engine. It’s important that you clean out the air filter to remove all dirt or debris that has accumulated over a long period of inactivity.
  6.  If you have done all this and you still can’t start the lawn mower, use a siphon jet to drain out the oil before replacing it with new gasoline.
  7. If all this doesn’t work, refer the faulty lawn mower to a local technician.

Safety precaution:

In an attempt to start up the lawn mower and you notice the smell of gasoline getting stronger, it means that the carburetor has been flooded with Gasoline. This is called an overflow. Wait for approximately 10 minutes before trying again.

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